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9.11-アメリカとイラクで起こっていたこと/on 9-11-2001, what was happenining in the US and Iraq


9.11-アメリカとイラクで起こっていたこと/on 9-11-2001, what was happenining in the US and Iraq

自分自身が見ているものは、自分自身の投影/The world we see is a projection of ourselves

Today, on 11th September, I would like to write about “Healing the Enemy”. This is the first book I translated into Japanese and published. Since I have already written about some background of Iraq and the U.S., I would like to think about from a different perspective.

For the details of the event, I would like you to refer to the book “Healing the Enemy”. I think one of the focal points of this story is the truth of Uday's personality depicted in this story: contrary to the prevalent view of Uday, Larry wrote "he was very intelligent, thoughtful, polite and warm-hearted".

Some might say, "Because he invited the hypnotist to treat his injury, and the Iraqi government very likely had an intention to recover the relationship with the U.S., it was quite natural for Uday to gave hospitality to Larry; it was rather an attitude of an egoistic man".

However, if you read Larry's book, you may think that such a view is still superficial. From his story, we cannot but think about other possibilities: Uday was also a warm human in the bottom of his heart behind the mask of brutality and cruelty.

It is not possible to completely understand other's mind. We can only imagine through our own mind. In psychology, the process of imaginig other's mind is called “projection”. We see what we see inside as outside.

Then, it might be the case that Uday appeared to Larry as a warm-hearted man because he projected nothing “evil” or “violent” in Uday. 

Now the question is whether this <Uday> was fake or genunie.

If <the world> shows up only through <ourselves>, it might have been the truth of who Uday really was. Then, whose world was it that was seeing the things happening in the other side of the world on the same day when Larry was in Iraq?

Maybe this is too extreme, but Larry's story leads us to such a thought.

His experience in Iraq is a thought provoking story for us to think about what our <reality> is.

See the work:悪人が癒されるとき (










本の詳細はこちら:悪人が癒されるとき (

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